About Us

To serve those who are pregnant by offering unconditional support through friendship, tangible services, and connection to community resources. 

Our Mission

We offer our Friendship Program and material services at no cost to all clients, regardless of pregnancy path.


We match a pregnant client with a trustworthy, trained volunteer who provides support. We believe everyone who is pregnant is empowered through authentic friendship, tangible services and connection to community resources.


A Friend for You is a faith-based nonprofit organization who supports those who are pregnant regardless of age, race, marital status, religious beliefs, sexual identity or sexual preference.


Our Values

Post-pregnancy meals and gifts are offered to clients of all pregnancy paths, including miscarriage, who are current clients of our Friendship Program.

Gifts and Meals

Although A Friend for You refers only to parenting and adoption resources, should a client choose abortion or suffer miscarriage, her relationship with her matched Friend continues and doesn’t change.

Unconditional Support

We keep things pretty simple around here. Your connection with your matched Friend is based entirely on your terms. You get to determine the nature of the relationship and can step away from the program at any time.

Minimal Requirements

We Are Committed To:

Lorraine Meyer


Rhoman Johnson


Shannon Janzen


Kandice Hansen


Leslie Fry


Debbie Calistro


Christine Basset


Heather Anderson


A Friend for You is a faith-based nonprofit organization run almost entirely by volunteers. Without the support and involvement of these wonderful leaders, we would not be able to serve our clients as effectively as we’ve been called to.

Click on each team member to learn more about our leadership team.

Our Leadership

We are constantly striving to expand our ability to serve pregnant women in and around Fort Collins, CO. Click the link below to view the 2023 Annual Report and to see what lies ahead for 2024 and beyond.

View the 2023 Annual Report

We Love Our Clients

"Thank you for being my breath of fresh air, my hope in the dark...I can't even begin to describe how thankful I am to have found this program...

"I love this program!!! Everyone is so friendly and so supportive!!!! I have been in this program for over a month now, it's a wonderful feeling that you know there is a friend there for you and they can provide lots of information when you need it. Highly recommend this program to everyone! 

"I was interested and curious about what A Friend For You was all about, and I wanted to be brave and call. My social worker and nurse talked about how good the program is."

"I didn't get as depressed during pregnancy, and my friend helped ground me, encourage me, and support me in a way others did not."

"Honestly, I'm just so grateful for all the help you've been to my family."

Who doesn’t need a little extra encouragement sometimes? You will receive a few special gifts throughout your pregnancy and to celebrate certain holidays. It’s just another way we show our support and gratitude for becoming our client here at A Friend for You.

Enjoy the Occasional Gift!

Your volunteer is ready to connect you with organizations who provide material and professional services in your local community.

Gain Access to Local Resources

Remember, the nature of this relationship is on your terms. You’re welcome to meet her at a favorite coffee shop, fast food restaurant, a local park — wherever you feel most comfortable. The method and how often you’d like to connect is entirely up to you.

Decide How You'd Like to Connect

Within 24 hours of contacting us, we will connect you with a trained volunteer who will provide you with ongoing 1-on-1 support. You’ll receive a short bio of your volunteer before you meet. From there, YOU define the relationship according to your needs. 

Get Matched With a Volunteer

The first step is simply to give us a call or send us a text message. This will allow you to share how we can best support you while sharing as little or as much or your story as you feel comfortable.

Give Us a Call

How Does It Work?





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The next step is entirely on your terms. We are excited to serve and help you. Complete this short form to request additional information about our program, or click below to call or text a volunteer.

Fort Collins

(970) 481-4787

We're Ready When You Are

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