Q. Why did you feel the need to reach out to A Friend for You?
A. I was working with someone at Summit Stone who recommended A Friend for You. I can be fairly isolated, not a lot friends or my family doesn’t get along sometimes. Having someone else to talk to gives me an outlet to talk about things like my family. The friends I have wouldn’t be as understanding of my problems or don’t care for my husband. Sometimes I pray and pray and don’t get an answer.
Sometimes you don’t want advice; you just want someone to listen to. Sometimes you do want someone who understands what you’re going through or at least has enough insight or not be judgmental or treat you as “less than” for going through what you’re going through.
Q. Who is your Volunteer Friend, and how did your relationship with her develop/grow?
A. Marty is my friend who I was matched with through A Friend for You. I wasn’t sure how it (the friendship) would actually go but when I first met her, she was very kind and listened to me like I needed. She wasn’t judgmental, and I liked that. She reached out to me more rather than me to her. She checked in. I didn’t have repeat myself, she remembered what I told her; she listened to me.
Q. How did a friendship with Marty benefit you?
A. She gives me an outlet to just talk. She’s always been very kind and helpful in finding resources and when I don’t know what to do. My therapist isn’t allowed to offer me advice, but Marty can offer advice. I wish someone like Marty could have given me advice earlier. Sometimes I don’t want to talk about how I feel but rather hear someone suggest an avenue or find a solution instead of stewing about what I think and feel. She never forces her opinion. She says things like, “Would you like to consider…?” in an organic conversation, offering me different ideas.
Q. Did Marty connect you with any other opportunities in the community?
A. She’s suggested and/or taken me to Serve 6.8, Dream Room, Gabriel House and doctor’s appointments. Sometimes she has driven me when I’ve had transportation issues. When I was trying to move, she helped me pack things up for me.
Q. What kinds of things have you and Marty done together?
A. We go to coffee. She’s also taken me out to lunch. I like introducing her to new places to eat so she can try out different foods.
Q. How often do you get together?
A. About once every week to two weeks, based on both of our schedules. About every week she checks in by text or phone calls or I check in with her.
Q. How did calling A Friend for You benefit you?
A. I got to meet a really nice woman who I consider a friend now. I wasn’t so sure how the relationship would be at the beginning, but I consider Marty a friend now. I don’t get out and make friends easily. It’s nice to have someone who really cares about me.
Q. Would you say to another pregnant woman considering calling A Friend for You?
A. Give it a shot…you don’t have anything to lose.
Q. What did you think about your Care for You delivery after the birth?
A. The Care for You is really nice because when I got home, Marty brought all the dinners over and I didn’t have to cook for some time. I especially loved the socks, candle, lip gloss, diaper balm in the gift bag. I liked that a lot of those fancy things in the gift bag, I wouldn’t normally have the money to buy, so it was great to receive them.
“She gives me an outlet to just talk. She’s always been very kind and helpful in finding resources and when I don’t know what to do.”
Q. Marty, describe your experience as a Volunteer Friend. What things did you and Jennifer do together?
A. We went to lunch several times, talked a lot, went to some of her Dr. visits and went to different resource places to get some baby things before delivery. I was able to spend the night in the hospital and help her with the first night with her baby!! What fun. Also rocked her baby when she had to spend a few days in the ICU. I also helped her pack her house to move.
Q. What kind of growth have you seen in yourself since becoming a Volunteer Friend?
A. I just feel like God has placed me in the position and I’m happy I have the opportunity to help someone in need. I feel like I grow closer to Jesus by serving, we are his hands and feet. As a bonus I have felt such love and gratitude from not only my friend but the ministry itself.
Q. Marty, describe your experience as a Volunteer Friend. What things did you and Jennifer do together?
A. I just feel like God has placed me in the position and I’m happy I have the opportunity to help someone in need. I feel like I grow closer to Jesus by serving, we are his hands and feet. As a bonus I have felt such love and gratitude from not only my friend but the ministry itself.
Q. What kind of growth have you seen in your Pregnant Friend?
A. She is very grateful for the help she has received from A Friend 4 U.
Q. Tell me about your most rewarding experience with AF4U.
A. One of the most rewarding was the most tiring, :-). Taking care of the baby on her first night, feeding and changing her, was very rewarding. Babies are truly a gift from God. Just holding her and praying over her was a blessing.
Q. What has been the most difficult aspect of being a Volunteer Friend?
A. Just seeing the difficulty people go through and not seeing that Jesus is the way. Also, it is difficult to connect when it’s hard to get together with your friend.
Q. What would you say to someone who is interested in volunteering with AF4U?
A. It has been a very rewarding experience. The organization is so well organized that you will get all the support and help that you need.
Q. Do you believe that AF4U is a worthwhile organization? If so, why?
A. YES!!! There are women who don’t have much support in their life and then to be pregnant on top of that is so much to go through without someone who can listen to them.
May 13, 2022
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