If you’ve been pregnant for 28 weeks, you’ve just entered your third trimester! Welcome!
Many women start nesting and preparing for their newborns when they enter their third trimester. But what should you do to prepare for the upcoming weeks? We are glad you asked. Here is your third-trimester to-do list:
Weeks 28-32:
1. Monitor your baby’s kicks.
After 28 weeks, your baby will have a rhythm for their kicks. Counting kicks is essential because when you monitor your baby’s movement, you can notify your OB if something changes. If something changes, it could be a sign of problems in the pregnancy.
2. Baby proof your house
There is a lot in your home that you may not even be aware of that is unsafe for a baby. Check this article out to help you baby-proof your home.
3. Create a birth plan with your OB.
“Plan for what it is difficult while it is easy, do what is great while it is small.” — Sun Tzu. Thinking about your concerns and desires well before getting to the hospital can help you have a better birthing experience.
4. Get more comfortable clothes.
When your body aches and you’re not sleeping well, having comfortable clothes can help. As Hayley Hasselhoff says, “Find what makes you feel comfortable. The confidence you wear your clothes in is what’s really going to shine.” And it doesn’t have to break the bank! There are many local resources that offer gently used clothing if you need more comfortable clothes.
5. If you haven’t already taken a child-birthing class, we highly recommend you do that.
Additionally, a breastfeeding class can be helpful too if you are choosing to feed your baby that way. Click here for online courses.
6. Start meal planning for when you get out of the hospital.
You can cook ahead and freeze your meals, or you can get some microwaveable meals.
Weeks 32-36
1. Go over your items and check to see if there are still baby items you’ll need. We have contact information for local resources that offer gently used baby items. Your Volunteer Friend can get you that information.
2. Create a first aid kit with the following items:
A baby thermometer, tweezers, antibiotic ointment, adhesive bandages, and petroleum jelly. You can always call us for advice for any of these to-dos! We know this is a lot of information.
3. Make sure you have a safe place for the baby to sleep.
If you do not have a nursery or a crib; a bassinet is a good option.
4. Pack your hospital bag
Pack clothes for 3-5 days if you are going to have a C-section. Just imagine you’re going on a trip. What would you take? What would you want with you? For example, do you apply a lot of lip balm, then bring your lip balm. Do you curl or straighten your hair? Bring what products you use. Additionally, bring a sweater (it can get cold in the hospital). Bring nonperishable snacks. If you plan to nurse, make sure you have nursing bras and nursing pads. Normally the hospital takes great care of you – anything you forget, they should be able to assist you with.
5. Make sure to already have your car seat safely out into your car.
You can click here to find a child safety certified technician to help you secure your baby’s car seat.
6. Ask your OB about the routine newborn screening tests at the hospital.
Make sure to discuss any additional tests you’d like to run. In conjunction with your visit, make sure you have your Group B strep test (week 35-37) done.
Pregnancy Checklist for Weeks 36 Through Delivery
1. Wash baby’s clothes with newborn laundry detergent
2. Go to your doctor’s visits. Doctor visits will be weekly until delivery.
Recap: Just remember, you know what’s best for your baby! You’re capable and strong enough to be a mom. The most important thing is to have a safe place for your baby to sleep, play, and be fed. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself as well. You need to be healthy for your baby. You’ve got this!
We are here to help you in any way we can. If you’re challenged to find anything on this checklist, just contact us and we’ll be happy to point you to some affordable and free resources. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, contact us by calling or texting: 970-355-3502, or email us at: info@afriend4u.org.
May 12, 2022
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