One of the biggest questions you may have when you find out you are pregnant is what impact it will have on your body.
Well-known changes will happen to a woman’s body during pregnancy, but remember that every woman’s body is different, and the changes and symptoms you experience can vary.
Early Changes to Your Body
While your body will change throughout pregnancy, many of the significant changes you notice will occur in the early stages of your pregnancy.
- Mood Swings: One of the first noticeable changes your body will experience is a surge in hormones. Your body uses these hormones to grow the pregnancy, but they also impact your emotions. It’s not unusual to experience a rollercoaster of emotions that can range from happiness to worry.
- Morning sickness: The surge in hormones can also lead to the symptom you’ve heard called “morning sickness.” The severity of morning sickness can vary and may come at different times of day other than just in the morning. While it can last longer into a pregnancy, the feeling of being sick or queasy usually goes away after the first 3 months.
- Frequent urination: Your body will increase blood flow early in your pregnancy to nourish the growing pregnancy. This increase means your kidneys are working to filter that additional blood, resulting in more frequent urination.
- Fatigue: With all the work your body does to grow your pregnancy and the energy it uses, you will notice you feel more fatigued than usual.
Other Changes During Pregnancy
As your pregnancy grows into the second and third trimester, you will notice more outward changes in your body.
Your baby bump will grow as your uterus expands to accommodate the developing pregnancy.
The growth of your uterus will also increase pressure on the bladder, leading to more trips to the bathroom.
You may also notice some swelling in your feet and ankles in the later stage of your pregnancy.
You’re Not Alone
Experiencing a pregnancy and the associated changes to your body can feel overwhelming and scary.
But the good news is you don’t have to experience those changes alone; A Friend for You staff are here to help.
Our team is made up of women who know the fear and apprehension of pregnancy. We are prepared to give you the help you need–from providing essential information to being a listening ear.
A member of our team will also connect you with resources in the community, all things that can empower you to make the best decision for your future and your health.
Contact us today to get the answers and peace of mind you need.